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  • Nursery Waiting List
    Please use this link to express your interest in a nursery place at Parkview Primary School.

At Parkview we are proud of our Nursery unit which is set within the main school grounds. Our Nursery is very much an integral part of our school and is run by an enthusiastic and hard-working team of teachers and teaching assistants who strive to ensure a happy, caring and successful learning environment.

Teaching follows the main principles set out in the Government’s Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and staff use it to plan carefully for the learning, development and care of all the children. We are very fortunate to have a large and well equipped indoor classroom to partner our large, secure, outdoor play area. Children are able to explore a permanent climbing structure, a large gazebo and sandpit, a writing shed and even a mud kitchen. Alongside these, the children have a wide range of outdoor toys and equipment that are available to them daily.

Every child is entitled to 15 hours of childcare per week, from the start of the term after their 3rd birthday. In addition to this, in 2017 the Government announced an ‘Extended Childcare Offer’ for 3 and 4 year olds, which means that many working families are now entitled to 30 hours of free childcare per week.

To find out more information or to check your eligibility please visit Childcare Choices Website


We have 26 places available in both the morning and afternoon. Based on demand, we offer a range of session times:

5 Mornings - 8:45am – 11:45am
5 Afternoons - 12:15pm – 3:15pm

5 Full Days - 8:45am – 3:15pm 

*In addition, depending upon availability we may be able to provide a more flexible attendance pattern

Our parents provide a packed lunch when their child stays for the full day. Lunch times are supervised by qualified teaching assistants to ensure there is a ratio of at least 1 adult to 8 children. If parents require wraparound care for their child before or after-School, we have an onsite private provider called First Friends who have worked closely with us for many years. You can contact them on 01332 677660.

Children will be accepted into our Nursery each September from the age of 3. Occasionally, we may be able to offer places to children who become 3 yrs between September – December, subject to availability

Nursery places are offered to parents/carers during the Summer Term before your child is due to start in September of the same year so please ensure we receive your registration form early to avoid any disappointment. You can find the form at the top of this section.

We are always happy for parents to arrange a brief ‘look round’ visit to Nursery prior to acceptance of an offer. If you have any queries regarding our intake procedure, please feel free to contact our School Office and speak to Mrs Lymer or Ms Melbourne. 

The link to Derby City's School admission page:


As this is an oversubscribed school, Parkview has to give priority to children based on the Council's criteria. The structured admissions procedure follows very strict guidelines which this State school must follow.
All applicants must complete a Common Application form available from the Council.

The order of priority for admission to school is:

  • Children who are looked after in the care of, or accommodated by, Derby City Council or another local authority.
  • Children living in the normal area who have siblings in school at the time of admission.
  • Other children in the normal area at the time of admission.
  • Children outside normal area who have brothers and sisters in school at the time of their admission.
  • Other children whose parents have expressed a preference for their child to attend Parkview.

Applications satisfying the same criteria will be decided on the basis of a straight line measurement from the centre of the main 'dwelling' to the school using the National Ordnance Survey set points. From September 2006, all applications to schools have to be dealt with by the Council. 

You will be sent an offer by the Council of one school place in April. All parents in the City will be sent a letter in this month and not before. We will initially offer 30 places in Reception for September. Unfilled places will be offered to children on our waiting list, applying the Admissions criteria.

You may defer your child's entry to school until the start of the term after their fifth birthday. In line with this National policy, parents of some children offered a place in Reception from September may defer their movement from Nursery up to Reception without losing their Reception place. Children moving up to Reception in January would only have 2 terms in this class - the choice is between Nursery or Reception.

If we cannot offer your child a place in our Reception class, then the child may remain in our Nursery until the receiving school admits them.

If we cannot offer your child a place at Parkview, you have a right to appeal to an independent panel. For information about this ring Derby City's School Placement Manager 01332 716936, or 716938 or 716940.


Appeal a school admission decision - Derby City Council


Policies | Parkview Primary School (

Information on in-year applications:

Apply for a primary school transfer - Derby City Council - Derby City Council