At Parkview Primary School, we want to address discrimination and agree how we can take practical actions as a community that will make a real difference. We are determined to make our contribution to a society that is actively anti-discriminative. We are proud of our school’s approach to inclusion and diversity, and history of tackling discriminative issues.
Our vision is that our pupils and or members of our community will only judge others, and allow themselves to be judged, on their hard work, achievement and character, both now and in the future.
To contribute to this vision, our aims are that:
- Our pupils and staff will develop the knowledge, skills, confidence and motivation to recognise and tackle discrimination actively, wherever they encounter it
- Our schools will have the best possible systems, processes and cultures to prioritise, review and improve our anti-discriminative approaches
- Other members of our school community such as parents and community leaders will be motivated and inspired to stand, work and act with us