General information about the National Curriculum can be found by clicking on the following link:
Parkview's Curriculum
Working in collaboration with all stakeholders to evaluate the needs of our children, we have developed the skills and attributes which we want all Parkview pupils to have achieved by the time their primary school journey ends. This is to ensure that all children can confidently access the wide range of opportunities that are on offer in their future and go on to lead a happy and fulfilled life.
We also want to make sure that our pupils know how to make a positive contribution to society and their community. We ensure the fundamental British values permeate the ethos and life of the school in order to prepare children for life in Modern Britain. We recognise that the personal development of the children – spiritually, morally, socially and culturally – plays a significant role in their ability to learn, and to grow into well-rounded members of society.
We are proud to be an emotionally healthy school and recognise the importance of mental health as well as physical health. We are extremely proud of our Arts provision at Parkview and this filters into all aspects of school life at Parkview. We want to provide pupils with a rich learning experience using visits, residentials, extra-curricular activities, and enrichment activities and by drawing on the expertise and links in our community.
We work hard to achieve our mission of ensuring that Parkview School helps us all to be happy, learn well and behave brilliantly!
The 10 key areas below are fundamental in the delivery of our curriculum:
Detailed information about our Curriculum at Parkview can be found in the policy below:
If you would like further information on the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.