E-safety is a priority at Parkview Primary School. If you have any concerns about your child's, or another child's online safety, please email a member of our safeguarding team, who will be more than happy to help and advise safeguarding@parkview.derby.sch.uk
The internet is a fundamental part of most children's lives so teaching the children about how to use it safely and properly is a key responsibility for us. Using the Kapow scheme, along with Education for a Connected World, we give the children to skills they need to keep themselves safe online. Our PSHE Matters scheme also supports this.
It is really important to us that we all work together as a school community to ensure that our children are kept safe. The link below provides extra information, resources and support avenues.
We have pupil leaders across school, named the 'I-Vengers' who work hard to keep everyone here at Parkview Primary School and its community safe online.
They will be carrying out a number of exciting missions throughout the year to help children, parents, staff, governors and our community gain a better understanding about how to stay safe online.
This is a very important role and we will be updating this website to share their progress.
First event - 'No Screens Day' on 11th December.