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E-safety  is a priority at Parkview Primary School. If you have any concerns about your child's, or another child's online safety, please email a member of our safeguarding team, who will be more than happy to help and advise

Filtering and Monitoring 

In line with the Department for Education filtering and monitoring standards in schools and colleges, the following checklist has been completed to show that we meet the required standards to safeguard our pupils.

Filtering and Monitoring Checklist 2023

To further support and safeguard our children in school, we have the following ICT acceptable use guidelines:

We recommend that parents/carers understand our guidance on acceptable ICT use, discuss it with their child and understand consequences of not complying with it.

  1. Usernames and Passwords
  • Pupils must not disclose their username or password to anyone else.
  • Pupils must not allow anyone else to use their account and should not use anyone else’s account.
  • Pupils must log off a device when they finish using it.
  • Data must be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
  • Pupils must not disclose any personal information to another person. E.g. name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address etc


  • All pupils have a responsibility towards the care and safe-keeping of any digital devices or computers.
  • Pupils are not permitted to download or install any software or apps on school devices.
  • Pupils should report all faults on school devices to a member of staff.
  • Pupils should report any content causing concern immediately to an adult.

Internet Use

  • All use of the internet within school hours should be to enhance learning.
  • Pupils must not search for, send or forward any sites containing offensive, obscene, violent or dangerous material.
  • Pupils should report any inappropriate content immediately to the adult responsible for them at the time. 

Social Networking and Cyber-bullying/Online Bullying

It is important that young people understand the risks of Social Networking, know how to stay safe in this environment and how to avoid making themselves vulnerable to a range of issues including identity theft, bullying, harassment, grooming and abuse. They also need to learn how to avoid the risk of exposing themselves to subsequent embarrassment due to an inappropriate personal profile or inclusion on another’s profile.

  • Access to social networking sites is not allowed in school on any devices.
  • Pupils are not permitted to have Parkview or Redwood Primary School staff as contacts on social networking sites.
  • If incidents of cyber-bullying through social media come to the attention of school, we have a duty of care to deal with it.  This is the case even if the cyber-bullying is taking place out of school.
  • Parkview and Redwood Primary School will not tolerate any form of bullying including electronic or online bullying.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre provides useful guidelines and advice for teachers, parents and children. is the CEOP Centre’s online safety centre. You will find advice and tips for children and adults.

E-Safety Advisor

Please find below the link to the E-Safety Advisor website. Here are regularly published newsletters on e-safety which cover a wide variety of issues facing the use of technology, such as cyber bullying, live streaming and discuss safety when using social networking and media sites like YouTube and Twitter.

Net Aware

This is a really useful link with information about various apps that the children use and gives a brief description about them. It also gives the pros and cons of children using each app.

It gives parents' views on the app, children's views and also expert views (from 02 gurus). As well as this, it tells parents what conversations to have with the children before they use the app.

Useful documents for families