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Parkview PFA are a voluntary team of parents and carers dedicated to raising extra funds for our school

As you will know, our PFA at Parkview raise valuable funds which ensure our pupils get ‘extras’ which we, as a school, would not be able to provide otherwise.

Some examples of this include the Christmas Pantomime every year, dictionaries and thesauruses for each class and a reduction in the cost of your child’s school trip. As well as this, the PFA plan our annual Christmas and summer fairs and also support our teaching staff by subscribing us to valuable resource based packages. They provide refreshments at our pupil performances and ensure our school-leavers always receive a leaving gift and our Reception graduates receive a present to remember their time in our foundation stage.

Without the hard work and dedication of our PFA we could not offer any of this.

All parents become part of the PFA when their child joins our school and the committee would love to do more things to support parents as well, whether that is organising socials, supporting with second-hand uniform, or some other activity. They want to hear your suggestions but they also need more help.

They are so grateful to the few volunteers who regularly step up to help out but would love to see more people giving just a little bit of time to help so they can achieve even more.

You don't have to join the committee.

  • There are tasks you can do from home like emailing companies for raffle prizes, or creating publicity material;
  • There are jobs you can do with friends like creating welcome bags for new starter parents or preparing items for the Christmas and Summer Fayre;
  • There are tasks that are one offs like giving an hour to run a stall at a Fayre or shaking a bucket on the playground on non-uniform day.; and
  • There are tasks that are more regular like helping to sort pre-loved uniform or serving ice-cream after school for Frozen Friday.

Please think about giving up some of your time, no matter how small, to support our school and PFA to ultimately make the schooling experience of our children, fun and memorable with those ‘extras’ that enrich our curriculum.

If you would like to know more about us, please email us


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