Useful Information
School Structure
Foundation Stage - Nursery (FS1) & Reception (FS2)
Key Stage One - Years 1 & 2
Key Stage Two - Years 3,4,5 & 6
Opening Times
Children have 24.5 taught hours weekly.
8.50 am to 3.20pm
SCHOOL DOORS OPEN AT 8.40am each morning to ensure a swift 8:50am start. Learning activities are provided during this time, providing 32.5 hours minutes per week of access for children.
Lunchtime 12.00pm – 1.00pm
Nursery AM 8.45 – 11.45
Nursery PM 12.15 – 3.15
The school will be responsible for, and supervise, main school pupils from 8:40am.
Our Uniform
The school endeavours to ensure that our uniform is as gender neutral as possible.
The uniform is as follows:
- Green sweatshirt or green cardigan (with or without the school logo)
- White polo shirt
- Grey trousers (joggers can be worn in Nursery)
- Grey skirt
- Grey tailored shorts
- In summer, a green and white summer dress may be worn (this is an optional item)
- Black, sensible shoes
- Grey, black or white socks
- Grey or black tights
- Book bag (with or without the school logo)
Open-toed sandals and large, thick boots are not considered suitable footwear for school.
High heels are not permitted: sensible, plain black shoes must be worn by both boys and girls.
Black jeans and leggings are not permitted in day-to-day uniform.
All items of clothing and footwear must be labelled with the pupil’s name.
Our PE Kit
Parents/carers are responsible for ensuring their child is dressed appropriately for PE.
The PE kit is as follows:
- Plain white T-shirt
- Black zipped hoody or sweatshirt or normal school jumper
- Black tracksuit bottoms or leggings
- Black shorts (in summer)
- Plain, suitable trainers or black pumps
Plain jogging bottoms, hoodies/sweatshirts are preferred. However, a small, branded logo is acceptable.
All items of clothing and footwear must be labelled with the pupil’s name.
In the instance of not following the uniform requirements, the class teacher will notify the parents. If this continues, a member of the Leadership Team will arrange a meeting with parents/carers and child involved.
School Uniform is available to purchase from:
To order go to and click on 'Find your school uniform' and enter 'Parkview Primary' to search for your school. You are then ready to start shopping. You can choose to have uniform delivered to school and with this option there are no delivery charges.
School Trip Letters
None yet available
School Holiday Dates