Where Can I Get Help?
Where Can I Get Help?
Speech and Language Support
If your child is currently on a speech and language programme, please continue to support this at home. If you need any support, please contact Bethan Arden Jones (our school's S&L therapist) via email on bethan.ardenjones@nhs.net
Autism Derby- Julie Fern
Telephone Consultation Service –
Julie is offering a FREE telephone conversation offering advice and support and can be using a range of media including Zoom, Skype, facetime, or a phone call.
This service is usually charged at £25 per hour.
Phone: 07947840505
Julie is also sharing information on her social media pages and posting on line.
Here are ways to contact her or look at the social media pages.
Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/autismderby/
Twitter page - https://twitter.com/Autismderby
Instagram page - https://www.instagram.com/autismderbybyjuliefearn/Telephone
Resource support –
Julie is also able to make visual timetables, choice boards, write social stories,
print, laminate and set up resources for those of you who haven’t got access to the materials or tools needed. The cost for this service will be on an individual basis.
Parent Carers Together C.I.C
An exciting and essential new partnership has been forged between our Parent Carers Together (PCT) forum and the online specialist SEND training and support website, The Operation Diversity Academy.
Launched in September 2015 by Founder and CEO, Sarah Chapman, Operation Diversity is a 'Neurodivergent and proud' led organisation. Sarah launched the Operation Diversity Academy membership website online in May 2017 to provide much needed accessible support to thousands of vulnerable SEND families, and her website is now the leading online SEND training, resource and support membership site for parents, carers and guardians of Neurodivergent children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) in the UK.
As part of this partnership, 500 parents and carers are being offered 6-month subscriptions to 'The Operation Diversity Academy support website for free. This would normally cost £14.99 a month.
The partnership is being fully supported and endorsed by Pauline Anderson OBE, Director for Learning and Skills at Derby City Council.
Parent Carers Together have said,
Here at Parent Carers Together CIC, we endeavour to keep SEND family needs at the heart of our community. As we enter uncertain times, we want Derby City parent carers to know we are in this 'TOGETHER'.
We are passionate about having those conversations, to rethink support and maximise help. Looking out for each other and sticking together will be what pulls us through the challenges that lay ahead. Never has there been a need for us to build resilience, feel informed and be part of a community than there is now.
Being part of social connections that understand our family's uniqueness will be critical to us all getting by. We were tasked with questioning what would help; we knew what our members need; 'Real' action, in real-time from experts who can help. We know you need a fantastic team of professionals who can bring support directly to your homes when you need it the most for the foreseeable.
For families to register their interest in a pass, please encourage them to visit www.parentcarerstogether.com and submit their details and PCT will respond to them as soon as possible.