Head Teacher
Marie Jarvis – B.A. (Joint (Hons) Humanities), PGCE, NPQH, Health and Safety, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Lead, Staff Development, Community and Performance Management. Pupil Premium lead. Designated Safeguarding Lead and Computing Lead.
Deputy Headteacher
Nichola Cunningham - B.Ed (Hons) Maths and Phonics leader. Student mentor, KS1 lead and AGT coordinator. Deputy Safeguarding Lead.
School Business Manager
Diane Page
Administration & Finance Officer
Katie Lymer - NVQ3 Business Administration, IOSH
Office Manager
Clare Melbourne
Teaching Staff
Foundation 1 Leonie Gascoyne - Geography, Music and Talk Derby leader.
Foundation 2 Lisa Jackaman - SENDCO, EYFS and Emotionally Healthy Schools leader, Safeguarding Team.
Y1 Isabel Thompson - School Council
Y2 Nichola Cunningham - Maths and Phonics leader. Student mentor, KS1 lead and AGT coordinator.
Y3 Katherine Pritchard - Science and MFL leader.
Y4 Rebecca Denton (job share) - SMSC, PSHE and History leader
Y4 Stephanie Thorley (job share) - Art and DT leader
Y5 Aamar Arshid - KS2 Leader, English, PE and
Outddor Learning leader, Safeguarding Team.
Y6 Chelsea Blount - Computing Shadow Lead
Anne Beard (part time) - PPA Cover & RE Leader
Our Teaching Assistants
Mrs E Tuxford
Mrs L Wells
Mrs T Greaves - HLTA
Mrs M Marshall - HLTA
Mrs T Lowe
Miss S Cooper
Mrs M Wood
Miss L Banks
Mrs I Suvorova
Miss E Reynolds
Miss A Wills
Midday Supervisors
Sharon Vickers - Senior
Gillian Haddick
Caroline Bown
Elizabeth Gregory
Penny Moore
Polly Karekezi
Faye Webster
Christina Wren
Hannah Simpson
Site Manager & Cleaning Staff
Lisa Vee, Tracey Hudson