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Water Safety Advice


During the school holidays, and in particular in the hot weather, Derbyshire Police have been experiencing, increasing numbers of children putting themselves at risk of drowning. On average 40-50 children drown per year in the UK. Derbyshire Constabulary has been receiving an increase in reports recently of young people taking the opportunity to 'cool off' in a number of the open water bodies that are located in our community.


Water may look safe, but it can be dangerous.

  • It may contain hidden rubbish and debris such as shopping trolleys and broken glass which can cause injuries and drowning.
  • It’s very cold and can quickly cause cramp and breathing difficulties.
  • Sometimes it can be polluted and makes them very ill.
  • The water is often far deeper than people think.


Please make sure your children are aware of these dangers and share this message with them to keep them safe.
